Now I get my inspiration from a handful of blogs or I Google a recipe for whatever I am in the mood for. I have Oh She Glows to thank for providing me with my new favorite cookbook and for making me go a little crazy in the kitchen yesterday. I did a big grocery haul last weekend and wanted to use up a lot of what I bought, so I went through the book and marked the recipes I wanted to make.
The result: Creamy tomato soup with chickpea croutons, apple and pear baked oatmeal, vegan sour cream, and easiest almond cookies from her blog a while back (I used almond pulp instead of meal so they came out a little doughy instead of cookie-like, but tasty nonetheless)
After a day in the kitchen yesterday, I had one more thing to make this morning which was homemade sunflower seed milk. I let the seeds soak in milk overnight and then drained and rinsed them this morning. I do not have a nut milk bag yet (it is in the mail and I can't wait to receive it!) so I used a mesh strainer which still worked. I strained it about 3 times and it came out really great! I add a little bit of vanilla extract and cinnamon to make it taste even better.
Since I had a new batch of milk, I of course had to make a Green Monster this morning. I usually have one every day but lately I have been slacking on making them. I always feel great when I start my day with one of these.
Here is my go-to recipe:
1 cup homemade milk of your choice (I used sunflower seed milk)
1.5 cups mixed greens
1 small banana
1/4 cup frozen mango slices
dash cinnamon
Place ingredients into blender and enjoy!
This Green Monster tasted so good. I couldn't drink it fast enough!
Energy-fueled breakfast for the day :)
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